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Modular DOG game board

Building your own DOG game board for 4, 6 or 8 players
Author: H.-H. B., Penzing
Online since: 04/04/2013, Number of visits: 155475

DOG for 4 players

In Switzerland, I was introduced to the entertaining boardgame DOG. Many people living in Switzerland will know this game as Brändi DOG. Unfortunately, the game is only available for 4 or 6 players.

DOG for 6 players

That is why I wanted to build my own version of the DOG game board for our team of 8 players. So I designed a game board that can be adjusted in size for 4, 6 and even 8 players.

Game storage box

Considering the game board for 8 players measures a sizeable 69 cm x 42 cm, it should be possible to dismantle it for space-saving storage after the game.

The entire game for 8 players

The solution came in form of a modular system of small maple boards that are 19 mm thick and held together with 32 rod magnets S-03-06-N. To that end, each joining edge has 2 magnets. Below, I would like to explain how you can easily build your own DOG game board:

Drill markings I

On the individual game board pieces, the drill holes for the magnets need to line up exactly. Here is the easiest way to achieve this: The edges of the board pieces that are to be connected are stacked together and marked in the same spot with a sharp pencil.

Drill markings II

The middle of the drill holes is marked with a small board half as thick as the game parts.

Drilling and magnet placement

Using a box column drill press, 8 mm deep and 3 mm wide holes are drilled where the markings are. Then, half a drop of superglue is placed inside the holes before the rod magnets are pushed into the holes with the correct pole (!). When inserting the counter magnet on the opposite board, it is important to check that the magnets attract and not repel each other or else it will look like picture 1.
To make sure that all board edges are “compatible”, it is best to first build the 4-player board, then the 6-player and finally the 8-player board. Once the magnets have been placed the wrong way, it will be impossible to remove them and correct the mistake.
Note from the supermagnete team: Other board games made with super magnets are the Chess and chequerboard with magnetic game pieces as well as the Decorative word game.

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