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Sugru – the brand

Sugru mouldable glue is the flagship product of the small company FORMFORMFORM from London, England. The team has been part of Tesa SE since 2018, which manufactures and sells various bonding materials for do-it-yourselfers, craftspeople and industry. The vision of the Sugru brand is not only to be able to repair objects with their Sugru glue but also to modify or creatively enhance them. Sugru mouldable silicone-based adhesive is therefore perfect for incorporating neodymium magnets into fascinating projects.

7 items
adhesive putty, in different colours, packages of 3,5 g each
Multi-functional repair putty
1 set 11,90 EUR/set* (793,33EUR/kg)
adhesive putty, black, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*
Available: 78 sets
adhesive putty, white, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*
adhesive putty, grey, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*
adhesive putty, 1x black, 1x white, 1x grey, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*
adhesive putty, 1x red, 1x yellow, 1x blue, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*
adhesive putty, 1x pink, 1x orange, 1x green, packages of 3,5 g each
1 set 11,90 EUR/set*